Honda Engine Misfire Settlement

Class Eligibility:

Purchasers of Honda vehicles with a V6 engine with Variable Cylinder Management (VCM-2) in the following types of Honda vehicles:

  • 2008-2012 Honda Accord;
  • 2008-2013 Honda Odyssey;
  • 2009-2013 Honda Pilot;
  • 2010 2011 Honda Accord Crosstour
  • 2012 Honda Crosstour
Estimated Amount:

The settlement has two components:

  • Warranty Extension – the warranty will be expanded to cover engine misfires for 8 years after the purchase (not mileage limitation).
  • Repair Reimbursement – if you paid out of pocket for an engine misfire for your vehicle, you can file for full reimbursement.
Proof of Purchase:

VIN number

Claim Form: Honda Engine Misfire Claim Form
Case Name: Soto, et al. v. American Honda Motor Co., Inc.,
Case No.: 3:12-cv-1377-SI (N.Dist California)
Case Summary:

The plaintiffs allege that certain Honda engines developed misfires due to faults in the design and manufacture of the engine. Honda denies the charge. The case was settled before being decided by a corut.

Settlement Pool: Not applicable
Settlement Website: Honda Misfire Class Action Settlement
Claim Form Deadline: April 10, 2014
Claims Administrator: Settlement Administrator
Soto Class Action Settlement
P.O. Box 2722
Torrance, CA 90509
(888) 888-3082
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