Kelly Services FCRA Background Check Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

You are a part of the Settlement if you applied for employment or were employed through Kelly with an initial hire date during the period of time when Kelly was providing a disclosure form that contained a liability release and Kelly procured or caused to be procured a background check on you at any time from July 18, 2012 through January 23, 2014.

Estimated Amount


There is monetary and non-monetary relief associated to this settlement. For the monetary portion each member of the settlement who submits a valid claim will receive a share of the pool after expenses.

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Hillson, et al. v. Kelly Services Inc.,
Case No. 2:15-cv-10803
District Court of the Eastern District of Michigan

Case Summary

Named Plaintiffs allege that Kelly violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act by running background checks on employees and applicants without making legally required disclosures.

Kelly disputes the Named Plaintiffs’ allegations and denies all liability to Named Plaintiffs and the Settlement Class. Kelly denies Named Plaintiffs’ allegations and has raised a number of defenses to the claims asserted.

The Parties are settling the Litigation to avoid the risk and expense of further litigation. No court has found Kelly to have violated the law in any way. No court has found that the Named Plaintiffs could recover any certain amount in this Litigation.

Settlement Pool

$ $6,749,000





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