Modernize TCPA Settlement
Class Eligibility
You are a member of the settlement if you were called by Modernize Inc. on a cell phone line where the defendant used an automatic telephone dialing system or artificial or prerecorded voice. The class period was between November 1, 2013 and February 1, 2018.
Estimated Amount
Proof of Purchase
Based on the cellphone number the defendant reached you on.
Case Name
Amanda Hopkins v. Modernize, Inc.,
Case No. 4:17-cv-40087-TSH,
U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Worcester County
Case Summary
Modernize is accused of colding calling consumers to enhance their business which wasted the time of the phone call recipients.
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website
Amanda Hopkins v. Modernize Inc.
P.O. Box 173029
Milwaukee, WI 53217