Alma Lasers TCPA Class Action Settlement
Class Eligibility
To qualify for this settlement you must be an individual who between May 18, 2008 and November 13, 2015 were sent telephone facsimile messages of material advertising the commercial availability of any property, goods, or services by or on behalf of the Alma Lasers, Inc.”
Estimated Amount
Proof of Purchase
Fax #
Claim Form
Case Name
Physicians Healthsource Inc. v. Alma Lasers Inc.,
Case No. 15 CH 1926
Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, Lake County, Illinois
Case Summary
The plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit claiming that the company had received three faxes in July and August 2008 promoting an Alma seminar that was to take place in October 2008. Per the plaintiff he had not given prior consent to the defendant
Alma Lasers denies the allegations but has agreed to settle to reduce the risk and uncertainty associated to a trial
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website
Kurtzman Carson Consultants
Alma Lasers Fax Settlement
PO Box 43400
Providence, RI 02940-3400
Phone: 1-888-557-3479
Fax: 1-877-311-6109