American Express Gift Card Class Action Settlement



Class Eligibility:

Purchasers or recipients of American Express Gift Cards between 1/1/02 or 9/21/11.

Estimated Amount:

The settlement provides two benefits:

  • Split Tender – the settlement provides up to $20 if you unsuccessfully tried a split transaction.
  • Monthly Fees – the settlement provides up to $8 if you paid a monthly fee
  • Check Issuance Fee – the settlement provides up to $5 if you paid check issuance fees

If you do not have the gift card number you may claim up to $5.

Proof of Purchase:

Not required

But, higher claims are available for those who have the Amex gift card number.

Claim Form: American Express Gift Card Claim Form
Case Name: s Kaufman v. American Express Travel Related Services, Inc.,
Case No.: 07-01707
Case Summary:

The plaintiffs allege that American Express violated it’s contracts and the law by not fully disclosing that their gift cards could not be used with ‘split transactions’ and that unused funds could incur monthly. (Split Transactions occur where you pay partly with a gift card and partly with something else).

Settlement Pool: $6,753,270
Settlement Website: American Express Gift Card Settlement
Claim Form Deadline: March 6, 2014
Claims Administrator: Kaufman Class Action Settlement Administrators
P.O. Box 8015
Faribault, MN 55021-9415