Bargain Hunt Settlement

Class Eligibility

You may be a Class Member if you are a U.S. resident who received a credit card receipt or debit card receipt from a Bargain Hunt store between August 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 that had more than the last 5 digits of your card number printed.

Estimated Amount

Up to $100

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Nowe, et al. v. Essex Technology Group, LLC (Bargain Hunt),
Case No. SC 2020 CV 694

State of Georgia
Muscogee County State Court

Case Summary

Essex Technology Group, LLC (Bargain Hunt) is accused of having printed out electronically generated credit card or debit card receipts of customers with more than the last five digits of their card numbers revealed, at the point of sale or transaction, when said customers made purchases or other transactions at Bargain Hunt stores, at any time between August 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.
Please visit the Settlement website’s FAQs page directly for details on your Eligibility and list of Potential Benefits of the Settlement.

Claims Deadline

Mailed claims must be postmarked or received no later than this date


Bargain Hunt Settlement
c/o Settlement Administrator
PO Box 42546
Philadelphia, PA 19101-2546


To our Subscribers:
Please note that we ( are *not* the settlement/claims administrator of this case. We are only an online newspaper of various class action settlements involving U.S. companies.

Please check the Settlement Homepage and FAQs (linked above) for:
-your personal eligibility as a customer,
-any updates on the settlement,
-concerns about your change of address,
-or any questions related to payout amounts, schedules, distribution, and/or checks.
If you still have questions that cannot be answered by the Settlement Page FAQs, please contact the Settlement Administrator directly. The details are provided above. Just scroll up. Thank you, and best of luck.

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