Capital One Zero Percent Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

You are a member of this class action settlement if you received and used a 0% Access Check or No Hassle Check on their Capital One credit card in the United States between Aug. 1, 2008 and Jan. 2, 2015.

Estimated Amount

$5.50 or $2.00

Category 1: Customers who used only one 0% Check on an account and were charged interest on their purchase balance because of the 0% Check are entitled to receive an automatic payment of $5.50. Class Members who fall into this category do not need to file a claim. A check will automatically be sent once the settlement receives final approval.

Category 2: Customers who used more than one 0% Check on an account at least three months apart and were charged interest on their purchase balance because of the 0% Check are eligible to submit a claim to receive a $5.50 payment.

Category 3: Customers who used one or more 0% Checks but were not charged interest on their purchase balance because of the 0% Check are eligible to submit a claim to receive a $2 payment.

Proof of Purchase


NOTE: If you did not receive an email or postcard notice of the Capital One class action settlement (including an 8-digit Notice ID number), you must download the Claim Form and mail it to the Settlement Administrator, postmarked no later than July 1, 2015.

Case Name

Margaret Murr and David Reign v. Capital One Bank (USA)

Case No. 1:13-cv-01091
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia

Case Summary

According to the documents of this lawsuit the checks marketed as zero percent with an upfront fees have charges associated to it that are deceptive and constitute breach of contract by violating the Truth in Lending Act

Settlement Pool





Claims Administration
Capital One 0% Check Settlement

c/o Dahl Administration
P.O. Box 3614
Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614

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