Western Sky Financial, CashCall Payday Loans Class Action Settlement (Minnesota Only)

Class Eligibility

Minnesota residents who took out loans issued by Western Sky Financial, LLC (“Western Sky”) that were purchased and serviced by CashCall, Inc. (“CashCall”) are entitled to relief from a settlement of a lawsuit obtained by the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office.

Estimated Amount


Depending on your situation you may be eligible for for debt cancellation, monetary restitution and/or credit history adjustment

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

State of Minnesota, by its Attorney General, Lori Swanson and its Commissioner of Commerce, Michael Rothman v. CashCall, Inc., et al.

Case Summary

This settlement resolves allegations that the defendant engaged in lending and advertising practices for their payday loans in violation of Minnesota laws. Specifically, the loans enticed consumers to take disadvantageous loans with high interest rates and excessive fees. The settlement provides debt cancellation for some class members and monetary compensation for others.

Settlement Pool





Minnesota CashCall Settlement Administrator

c/o Dahl Administration

PO Box 3614

Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614


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