Charming Charlie Class Action Settlement (California Only)
Class Eligibility
You are a member of this class if you are a person who, between July 9, 2013 and July 29, 2015, engaged in a credit card transaction at a California Charming Charlie Store and whose Personal Identification Information was requested and recorded by Charming Charlie at the Charming Charlie Store for purposes other than shipping, delivery or special orders.
Estimated Amount
$20 voucher
Proof of Purchase
No Proof of Purchase Needed
Claim Form
Case Name
Heidi Anderson Butler, et al. v. Charming Charlie Inc., et al.,
Case No. 14-cv-01921-WBS-AC
District Court for the Eastern District of California
Case Summary
According to the settlement the defendant violated FACTA by requesting and collecting certain personal information
Settlement Pool
$350,000 in vouchers
Settlement Website
Anderson-Butler Charming Charlie Settlement Claims Administrator
c/o Dahl Administration
PO Box 3614
Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614