Detroit Incinerator Class Action Air Pollution Settlement
Class Eligibility
You are a class member if you are a person or entity that rented or owned and resided at residential property located within the Class Area at any point in time between July 28, 2011 and the present; 2) all persons who provided data sheets to Liddle & Dubin, P.C. regarding Defendants’ emissions; and 3) all persons who have made complaints to the MDEQ regarding Defendants’ emissions. The Class Area means the geographic area within Wayne County, Michigan that is highlighted in Exhibit 2 of the Settlement Agreement.
Estimated Amount
Proof of Purchase
Evidence of residence
Claim Form
Case Name
Joseph Watkins, et. al. v. Detroit Renewable Power LLC
Case No. 14-009701-NZ
Wayne County Circuit Court
Case Summary
According to the settlement there were emissions,pollutants and air contaminants and noxious odors generating from the defendants facilities and affecting the air quality of the surrounding areas
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website
Liddle & Dubin, P.C
975 E. Jefferson Ave
Detroit, MI 48207
(800) 536-0045