FRHI Hotels & Resorts Call Recording Class Action Settlement
Class Eligibility
You are a Class Member if you are a natural person who called one or more of FRHI’s toll-free telephone numbers during the period December 2, 2015 through November 28, 2016, inclusive (the “Class Period”) while you were physically located in California, and spoke with a representative of FRHI, provided that you were either a California resident at the time such call was made or used a phone number with a California area code to place such call (even if you were not a California resident).
Estimated Amount
About $100
Proof of Purchase
Telephone #
Case Name
Spitzer, et al. v FRHI Hotels & Resorts (Canada) Inc.Case No. CIVDS1712220
San Bernardino County Superior Court
Case Summary
This class action case (“the Action”) alleges that FRHI Hotels & Resorts (Canada), Inc. (“FRHI” or “Defendant”) violated California laws that prohibit the recording of telephone calls without notice to or consent of callers. FRHI was the entity responsible for answering calls to Fairmont Hotel and Resorts toll free telephone numbers.
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website