Gateway Monitor HXD3000 Class Action Settlement
Class Eligibility
Purchasers of the Gateway XHD3000 class action settlement include all U.S. residents who were the original purchaser of a Gateway 30-inch XHD3000 LCD monitor.
Estimated Amount
$195 per elegible monitor
Proof of Purchase
Required Proof of purchase may be in the form of a serial number, receipt, or credit card statement that includes sufficient information to verify the purchase of the specific model
Claim Form
Case Name
Mark D. Lima v. Gateway Inc.,
Case No. 8:09-cv-01366
District Court for the Central District of California
Case Summary
According to the lawsuit Gateway sold the plaintiffs and other consumers XHD3000 monitors that flicker and experience other display issues.Plaintiffs believe that the manufacturer knew the XHD3000 “was defective in its inception and design, and incapable of performing as represented,” did not agree to repair the monitors outside of warranty
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website
Gateway Settlement
c/o Gilardi & Co. LLC
P.O. Box 6002
Larkspur, CA 94977-6002