Grovetown GA, Water & Sewer Class Action Settlement
Class Eligibility
This settlement includes all persons, who are or were formerly customers of the City of Grovetown’s water, wastewater, and stormwater utility and who were billed for water, wastewater, and/or stormwater utility services by the City of Grovetown between September 1, 2011 and September 1, 2016 are members of the class. “Persons” include business entities. Even if you are unsure whether you are a Class Member, you should submit a timely Claim Form if you do not wish to be excluded from the Class.
Estimated Amount
Individuals who otherwise qualify but no longer reside in Grovetown will receive $50, Those who presently reside in Grovetown will receive a payment voucher to be credited to their water bill in the amount of 32% of their total 2015 bill
Proof of Purchase
Case Name
Deena Youngblood, et al. v. City of GrovetownCase No. 2016-cv-0413Superior Court for Columbia County, Georgia
Case Summary
This Action arose out of certain illegal billing practices at the City of Grovetown. Specifically, the Plaintiffs in this case allege that the water and sewer rates assessed by the city between September 1, 2011 and September 1, 2016 were illegally high, due to the failure of city officials to abide by Ordinance 9-23. These failures affected every customer of Grovetown’s utilities department.
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website
Youngblood v Grovetown Settlement
C/O KCC Class Action Services
P.O. Box 43034
Providence, RI 02940-3034