Haier Freezer Class Action Lawsuit

Class Eligibility:

Purchasers of Haier Chest Freezers (model no. HNCM070E) that were manufactured after June 1, 2009.

Estimated Amount:

Some Haier Freezers had a defect that caused them to consumer more power than is normal for the model. The payment amount depends on whether you allow Haier technicians into your home to test your freezer to see if it is one of the defective units.

  • $50 – $150 if you do not allow Haier to test the unit.
  • $108.60 – $325.80 if you do allow Haier to test the unit. If tests show that it does has the defect (approx. 15% of units) then you will receive the entire amount, otherwise you will not receive any payment.

The amount you will be paid within the above ranges depends on how many claimants there are for this settlement. We predict low claim rates, and that payments will be in the upper part of the range.

Proof of Purchase:

Model and serial number.

Claim Form: Haier Freezer Claim Form
Case Name: In re Haier Freezer Consumer Litigation,
Case No. 5:11-CV-02911-EJD (U.S. District Court for N.D. Cal.)
Case Summary:

Plaintiffs allege Haier freezers have a defect that caused them to exceed federal energy consumption guidelines and consume more electricity than stated on the Energy Guide labels on the freezer. Haier denies the claims. The parties settled the case prior to it being decided by the court or a jury.

Settlement Pool: $2,950,000
Settlement Website: Haier Chest Freezer Settlement
Claim Form Deadline: November 26, 2013
Claims Administrator: RG/2 Claims Administration LLC
Haier Freezer Litigation Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 59479
Philadelphia, PA 19102-9479
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