Harcourt Hotel Housing Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

Individuals who stayed at the Harcourt Hotel and were required to move, or check out or reregister, before the expiration of 30 days of occupancy, between June 18, 2011 and June 17, 2014

Estimated Amount


Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Boice et al., vs. Harcourt Group, LLC et al.
Case No. CGC-14- 539994

San Francisco County Superior Court

Case Summary

The lawsuit claims that Defendants required certain occupants to move out of the Harcourt Hotel prior to obtaining tenant rights.

Settlement Pool





The Offices of Hooshmand Law Group – Harcourt Class Action

c/o Mark Hooshmand, Esq.

22 Battery Street, Suite 610

San Francisco, CA 94111

(415) 318-5709

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