Honda Civic Brake Pad Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

You are a member of the Honda Civic Brake Pad Class action if:

  • You are a current or former owner or lessee of a 2006-2011 Honda Civic with DX and LX trims; and
  • A resident of the United States, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and/or Guam

Estimated Amount

Varies based on when the car owner or lessee had to replace the brake pads

  • If the brake pad replacement occurred after using the car for 7,500 miles or less, Honda will reimburse the owner or lessee 100 percent of the replacement costs.
  • If the brake pad replacement occurred after using the car for 7,501 to 15,000 miles, Honda will reimburse the owner or lessee 50 percent of the replacement costs.
  • If the brake pad replacement occurred after using the car for 15,001 to 20,000 miles, Honda will reimburse the owner or lessee 25 percent of the replacement costs.

Proof of Purchase

You must provide documentation to prove expenses associated with the repairs furthermore Brake Pad Replacements that are required and performed after a Settlement Class Member receives Notice but before the Effective Date will not be eligible for reimbursement unless they are performed by an Authorized Honda Dealer.”

Case Name

Stacie Zakskorn, et al. v. American Honda Motor Co.,
Case No. 11-cv-02610-KJM-KJN
District Court for the Eastern District of California

Case Summary

The lawsuit alleges that Honda knowingly installed defective break pads on certain vehicles and also failed to repair the issue under their limited Warranty attributing the issue to improper use of the breaks

Honda denies all wrongdoing but has agreed to settle to avoid court and attorney expenses associated with this lawsuit.

Settlement Pool





Zakskorn Class Action Settlement
Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 2718
Torrance, CA 90509.

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