IMAX Chicago FACTA Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

The IMAX FACTA class action settlement is open to all Class Members who purchased either movie tickets or gift cards at the Navy Pier IMAX Theater box office in Chicago, Ill. between Nov. 4, 2011 through Nov. 7, 2013, using a credit or debit card and received a paper receipt for the transaction.

Estimated Amount


Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Scott D.H. Redman v. IMAX Chicago Theater LLC d/b/a IMAX Navy Pier and d/b/a Navy Pier IMAX

Case No. 13 C 7892
District Court, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division

Case Summary

The Navy Pier IMAX has agreed to settle this lawsuit that alleges their receipts displayed too many digits from consumer’s credit and debit cards thus compromising their identity and violating FACTA

Settlement Pool





Redman v IMAX Chicago Settlement

c/o Dahl Administration

PO Box 3614

Minneapolis MN 55403-0614


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