Keurig Indirect Purchasers Anti-trust Settlement

Class Eligibility

You may be a member of the settlement if you are a U.S. resident who bought Keurig K-Cup Portion Packs from NON-Keurig representatives and not for the purpose of reselling, (a) between September 7, 2010, and August 14, 2020, in the U.S. (excluding Mississippi and Rhode Island); (b) between March 24, 2011, and August 14, 2020, in Mississippi; or (c) between July 15, 2013, and August 14, 2020, in Rhode Island.

Estimated Amount

A pro rata share of the Fund, based on the value of your Claim

Proof of Purchase

Yes, to be submitted concurrently with the Claim Form here

Case Name

In re: Keurig Green Mountain Single-Serve Coffee Antitrust Litigation,
MDL No. 2542, Master Docket No. 1:14-md-02542-VSB-SLC, Civil Action No. 1:13-03790-VSB-SLC,

Court for the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

Case Summary

Keurig is accused of monopolizing or attempting to monopolize and thus obstructed and precluded competition so as to increase, set, keep, or secure the prices of Keurig K-Cup Portion Packs at an unnaturally high standard, violating Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1 and 2, Section 3 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. § 14, as well as various state antitrust, unfair competition, consumer protection, unjust enrichment, and other laws.

Settlement Pool

$31 million


07/15/2021 (for Claims)
5/14/2021 (for Exclusion)
5/17/2021 (for Objection)


Keurig Indirect Purchasers Antitrust Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
P.O. Box 91382
Seattle, WA 98111



To our Subscribers:
Please note that we ( are *not* the settlement/claims administrator of this case. We are only an online newspaper of various class action settlements involving U.S. companies.

Please check the Settlement Homepage and FAQs (linked above) for:
-your personal eligibility as a customer,
-any updates on the settlement,
-concerns about your change of address,
-or any questions related to payout amounts, schedules, distribution, and/or checks.
If you still have questions that cannot be answered by the Settlement Page FAQs, please contact the Settlement Administrator directly. The details are provided above. Just scroll up. Thank you, and best of luck.

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