Lennox Air Conditioner Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

Class Members of the Lennox air conditioner class action settlement include:

  • You are a U.S. resident and are the owner of residential property in the state of Florida;
  • You have installed at least one of the eligible Lennox air conditioning or heat pump system models that may or may not feature a white coil; and
  • Said eligible Lennox system contains both a serial and model number included in the range serial and model numbers determined in the settlement.

Estimated Amount

reimbursement of prior expenses associated with repairs of the white coil or replacement of the allegedly defective white condenser coil.

Proof of Purchase

You must provide documentation to prove expenses associated with the repairs

  • Personal Information
  • Air Conditioning Brand, Model Number, and Serial Number (to see a list qualifying Lennox air conditioning models and serial numbers, please click here
  • A Valid Itemized Invoice/Receipt/Cancelled Check to Support Claim for Reimbursement

Case Name

Abbott v. Lennox Industries Inc,
Case No. 16-2011-CA-010656
Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit for Duval County, Florida.

Case Summary

This settlement resolves allegations that Lenox knowingly sold units with coil defects, specifically coils made of aluminum which easily corroded resulting in failure of the unit.

Settlement Pool





Lennox White Coil Settlement
P.O. Box 1961
Faribault, MN 55021-5157

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