MetLife Employee Discrimination Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

All African Americans and/or Black Financial Services Representatives who were emplyoyed by and/or affiliated with MetLife or affiliated with NELICO (collectively referred to as “MetLife”), at any time between May 15, 2011 and July 1, 2016.

Estimated Amount


The Simple Claim Form is short and requires limited information. If the you submit the Simple Claim Form by August 28, 2017, you will receive an Expedited Monetary Award check within 45 days after the Claims Submission Deadline. The Expedited Monetary Award will be based on objective factors that include: MetLife Length of Service (“LOS”), period of employment as a Settlement Class Member within the Class Period, and “lateral” status. You will not receive an individualized assessment of your claim.

The Detailed Claim Form is longer and requires more information about your claims and employment at MetLife. If you submit a Detailed Claim Form, you will receive an Election Form along with a notice of the amount of the Expedited Monetary Award. You must then elect whether to accept the Expedited Monetary Award or proceed to an individualized assessment of your legal claims by one or more qualified Neutrals. If you return the Election Form and elect to accept the Expedited Monetary Award, you will receive a check within 21 days of returning the Election Form. If you reject the Expedited Monetary Award and elect an individual assessment, you will have an opportunity to meet with the Neutral(s). The Neutral(s) will then assess your claim and recommend a monetary award based on all available information and the individual facts and circumstances of your claim. There is no guarantee as to the amount of this monetary award. You may receive more or less than the Expedited Monetary Award, or you may receive no award, depending on your claim and losses.

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Marcus Creighton, et al. v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
Case No. 1:15-cv-08321

District Court for the Southern District of New York

Case Summary

Plaintiff Marcus Creighton filed a representative charge of racial discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on February 11, 2015. On May 15, 2015, he filed a Class Action Complaint alleging that MetLife discriminated on the basis of race against African American and/or Black Financial Services Representatives (“FSRs”) with respect to compensation and various other practices such as account transfers and teaming. Mr. Creighton brought class claims under federal anti-discrimination laws and later amended his complaint to include six additional Plaintiffs: Constance Green, Don Roman, Danielle Sydnor, Darryl Fyall, Charles Swindell and Vernon Hobbs. Together these individuals are called “Named Plaintiffs” because they brought the lawsuit seeking to represent a group (or “class”) of similarly situated African American and/or Black FSRs. The Amended Complaint describes all the claims and can be found at or The lawsuit is known as Creighton, et al. v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Case No. 15-cv-08321-WHP (S.D.N.Y.).

MetLife denied and continues to deny all of the allegations and claims asserted in this lawsuit, including alleged liability under federal anti-discrimination laws, and denies that the Named Plaintiffs or Settlement Class Members are entitled to any relief. The Court has not made and will not make any determination on the merits of this matter or decide who is right and who is wrong. By entering into the proposed Settlement, MetLife does not admit any wrongdoing. The Settlement resolves claims of race, color, national origin, or ethnicity discrimination, harassment, and retaliation in compensation and other terms and conditions of employment, including claims brought or that could have been brought in the lawsuit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000e, et seq., and 42 U.S.C. § 1981, as well as state and local anti-discrimination laws.

The Court has reviewed the Settlement and has approved it as being fair, adequate, and reasonable. The Court has authorized the Claims Administrator to distribute this Notice regarding the Settlement, and the settlement process described below will begin.

Settlement Pool





Creighton v. MetLife Settlement Claims Administrator
P.O. Box 43480
Providence, RI 02940-3480
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