Nexium Class Action (Massachusetts)

Class Eligibility:

The settlement covers purchases of Nexium in Massachusetts between 3/1/2001 and 2/6/2013.

Estimated Amount:

The settlement pays either $25 (if no proof of purchase is required) or as follows if you provide proof of past purchases.

For cash payments by uninsured Consumers:

  • For Consumers who provide only the number of prescriptions: $97 per prescription.
  • For Consumers who provide only the total amount paid: 54.0% of amount paid.
  • For Consumers who provide the total amount paid and the number of prescriptions: the greater of 54.0% of amount paid or $97 per prescription.

For co-pay/coinsurance purchases by insured Consumers:

  • For Consumers who provide only the number of prescriptions: $17.50 per prescription.
  • For Consumers who provide only the total amount paid: 61.0% of amount paid.
  • For Consumers who provide the total amount paid and the number of prescriptions: the greater of 61.0% of amount paid or $17.50 per prescription.
Proof of Purchase:

NOT required for a basic claim of $25.

Required for a full claim based on actual purchases

Claim Form: Nexium Claim Form
Case Name: Commonwealth Care Alliance, et al. vs. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals L.P., et al., Case No. 05-0269 BLS
Case Summary:

The plaintiffs alleged that AstraZeneca, the makers of Nexium deceptively advertised Nexium as being superior to it’s Prilosec heartburn product (which had a cheaper generic, Omeprazole) in order to induce customers to purchase the more expensive Nexium. AstraZeneca denies the allegation. The case was settled before a court made a final determination.

Settlement Pool: $20,000,000
Settlement Website: Nexium Settlement
Claim Form Deadline: August 30, 2013
Claims Administrator: Massachusetts Nexium Litigation Administrator
c/o GCG
P.O. Box 9702
Dublin, OH 43017-5602
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