OxyElite Pro, Jack3d, VERSA-1 Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

Class Members of the OxyElite Pro, Jack3d and Versa-1 include all individuals who purchased one or more bottles of OxyELITE Pro, Jack3d and/or VERSA-1 in the United States since Aug. 17, 2012.

The products must have been purchased for personal use

Estimated Amount

Up to $150 for those without proof of purchase or unlimited for those able to provide evidence of purchase

For those without a receipt or proof of purchase you may submit as follows:

  • $35 per bottle or container of OxyElite PRO purchased;
  • $20 per bottle or container of Jack3d purchased; and
  • $20 per bottle or container of VERSA-1 purchased.

The settlement may be adjusted pro rata based on the number of valid claims.

Proof of Purchase

Not Required but you may qualify for a larger settlement if you have proof

Case Name

Velasquez, et al. v. USPlabs LLC and GNC Corp,
Case No. 4:13-cv-00627
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida

Case Summary

According to the lawsuit documents the plaintiffs alleged that USPlabs LLC and GNC Corp created false and misleading statements regarding the safety, lawfulness and effectiveness of products containing dimethylamylamine (DMAA) or aegeline. Supplements in this class action settlement include: OxyElite Pro, Jack3d and/or VERSA-1

Settlement Pool





USPlabs Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 43319
Providence, RI 02940-3319

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