Portfolio Recovery Associates TCPA Class Action Settlements

Class Eligibility

This settlement includes all natural persons residing in the United States who received one or more telephone calls from an autodialer or a predictive dialer operated by PRC to such person’s cell phone number between Dec. 23, 2006 and July 1, 2013, inclusive, and who are listed in the csv data file titled pra_outbound_dial_list_20140304.zip produced to plaintiffs’ counsel.

Estimated Amount


The pool will be divided pro rata among valid claims

Proof of Purchase

Cell #

Case Name

In re Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC Telephone Consumer Protection Act Litigation
Case No. 11-MD-2295-JAH-BGS
District Court for the Southern District of California

Case Summary

The settlement alleges that the defendant engaged in violations to TCPA by calling via an automatic dialer and using pre-recorded voices in order to collect debts

Settlement Pool





In re Portfolio Recovery MDL TCPA Settlement

Settlement Administrator

PO Box 43421

Providence, RI 02940-3421

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