Pro Armor UTV Door Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

The Superior Court has conditionally certified a class that includes all residents of the United States who, at any time during the period June 11, 2010 and June 11, 2014, purchased a new UTV Door either directly from Pro Armor (through its website), or from an authorized distributor or reseller of UTV Doors (as defined below and in Settlement Agreement). Please note that this settlement may have some exclusions. Refer to the notice for details

Estimated Amount


Individuals who have proof of purchase will receive a $60 gift card to be used on the manufacturers website. Those without proof of purchase will receive a coupon for 10% off with a maximum value of $60

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Katrina Allison, et al. v. LSI Products, Inc. dba Pro Armor
Case No. RIC 1405812
Superior Court of Riverside County

Case Summary

Plaintiff Katrina Allison filed this lawsuit in June 2014. The litigation is captioned Allison v. LSI Products, Inc. and is pending in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Riverside (Case No. RIC1405812). Plaintiff alleges that LSI Products, Inc. (“LSI”), which manufactured, designed, sold, or distributed Pro Armor brand UTV Doors, misrepresented the features, characteristics, and/or capabilities of certain UTV Doors that were sold directly through the Pro Armor website or through authorized distributors or resellers of the doors during the period June 11, 2010 through June 11, 2014. Specifically, plaintiff alleges that some of LSI’s advertisements for the UTV Doors used words such as “safety,” “protection,” “strength,” etc. which plaintiff contends were misleading to consumers and/or untrue. Plaintiff claims that LSI’s alleged marketing misrepresentations violate (1) California Business & Professions Code § 17200 et seq. (“UCL”), (2) California Business & Professions Code § 17500 et seq. (“FAL”), and (3) California Civil Code § 1750 et seq. (“CLRA”).

Settlement Pool





Allison v. LSI Products, Inc.

c/o Dahl Administration

PO Box 3614

Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614


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