Proactiv Class Action Settlement (California Only)

Class Eligibility

You are a member of the class if, between January 22, 2009 and July 8, 2014, you were a California resident who purchased Proactiv products from Guthy-Renker and, as a result of that purchase, were automatically enrolled in Guthy-Renker’s automatic delivery and automatic renewal billing policy and charged for additional products and shipments beyond your initial purchase.

Estimated Amount

$20 to $75

You can elect to receive about $20 cash or about $75 in products

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Habelito v. Guthy-Renker LLC
Case No. BC499558
Los Angeles County Superior Court for the State of California

Case Summary

The Class Representative claims that Guthy-Renker LLC (“Guthy-Renker”) violated California Business & Professions Code §17600 et seq. by enrolling Class Members in automatic renewal billing for Proactiv products, allegedly without complying with the statute’s disclosure requirements and other requirements for automatic renewal billing practices. The Class Representative also asserts related claims for violation of California’s Consumer Legal Remedies Act, Civil Code § 1750 et seq., violation of California’s Unfair Competition Law, Business & Professions Code § 17200, as well as fraud, negligence, and breach of contract.

Settlement Pool





Habelito v. Guthy-Renker LLC

Claims Administrator

c/o KCC Class Action Services, LLC

P.O. Box 43460

Providence, RI 02940-3460


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