RCM Technologies, Unpaid Overtime Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

If you are or were employed in RCM Technologies’ HR Solutions business unit as an exempt-classified consultant paid on an hourly basis while living in a state other than New York or California from July 13, 2013 to March 16, 2017 (“FLSA Class Members”), in California from July 13, 2012 to March 16, 2017 (“California Class Members”) and in New York from July 13, 2010 to the March 16, 2017 (“New York Class Members”), you may have rights in a collective and class action lawsuit.

Estimated Amount


If you are a class member your notice includes an approximate amount

Proof of Purchase


This settlement is validated though employment records

Case Name

Jermaine McNeal et al. v. RCM Technologies (USA), Inc.
Case No: 2:16-cv-05170-ODW-SS
United States District Court, Central District of California

Case Summary

Plaintiffs Jermaine McNeal and Genoa Sosa filed a class and collective action lawsuit (the “Lawsuit”) against RCM alleging that RCM misclassified them and other consultants as “exempt” from overtime wages and improperly paid them at a straight time rate for overtime hours worked, rather than at the premium overtime rates required by federal and state law. Plaintiffs also asserted state law claims for the failure to pay regular wages, the failure to reimburse business expenses, and wage statement violations; the failure to provide meal and rest periods in violation of California law; unfair and unlawful business practices in violation of California’s Unfair Competition Law; the failure to pay wages upon termination in violation of New York law; and penalties pursuant to California’s Private Attorneys General Act. The parties have reached a settlement of the Lawsuit, and the Court has preliminarily approved the settlement.

Settlement Pool

$200,000 minimum / $327,000 maximum payment




Jermaine McNeal et al. v. RCM Technologies (USA), Inc.

c/o Dahl Administration

PO Box 3614

Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614


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