San Bernardino County Jail Alternative Lifestyle Tank Class Action Settlement
Class Eligibility
You are a member of the Damages Class if you were housed in the ALT between October 22, 2012 and March 31, 2018.
Estimated Amount
Proof of Purchase
Case Name
Dan McKibben, et al. v. John McMahon, et al.,Case No. 14-2171-JGB-SP,
U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
Case Summary
This lawsuit challenged the treatment of gay, bisexual and transgender (“GBT”) inmates who were housed in the ALT. The lawsuit claimed that GBT inmates were discriminated against in various ways, including, among other things, that GBT inmates 1) were automatically placed in the ALT if they self-identified as GBT; 2) would have been at risk for their safety if admitted to the general population as openly GBT inmates because the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department did not have plans or programs to ensure their safety; 3) had no or inadequate PREA programs in place to protect GBT inmates or address particular vulnerabilities of GBT inmates placed in the general population; 4) were limited in their time-out-of-cell generally to an hour and a half per day, and often less, in contrast to similarly situated (by classification or sentencing status) general population inmates; 5) were denied the same work opportunities that were provided to similarly situated (by classification or sentencing status) general population inmates; 6) were denied the same programming opportunities* that were provided to similarly situated (by classification or sentencing status) general population inmates; and 7) were denied a comparable range of religious services to those available to the general population.
Settlement Pool