Stingray Pressure Pumping Unpaid Overtime Class Action Settlement
Class Eligibility
The Settlement Class members are individuals who joined the Lawsuit as plaintiffs or who worked as Stingray Pressure Pumping LLC (“Stingray”) equipment operators or equipment operator trainees between June 3, 2012 and February 24, 2017.
Estimated Amount
It is estimated that class members will receive about $18 per week worked
Proof of Purchase
Case Name
Crigler v.
Stingray Pressure Pumping LLCCase No. 2:15-cv-02324-EAS-TPKDistrict Court for the Southern District of Ohio
Case Summary
The claims in this case were brought by a former Stingray employee who alleges that he was entitled under federal and Ohio law to unpaid overtime compensation for those weeks in which he worked more than 40 hours. He also alleges that Stingray was required to keep records of his hours worked but failed to do so. Ten other former Stingray employees have joined the case to date. Stingray denies any wrongdoing or liability. The settlement is an effort by both parties to avoid further litigation. The Court has not decided who is right in this case.
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website