Stonebridge Life Insurance Text Message Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility:

You are a class member if you received an unsolicited text message from 650-283-0793 promoting a $100 Wal-Mart gift card voucher from 11/28/2010 to 12/2/2010, this was in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Estimated Amount:

$155 for valid claims

Proof of Purchase:

Not Applicable.

Claim Form: Stonebridge Insurance Claim Form
Case Name: Lee v. Stonebridge Life Insurance Company & Trifecta Marketing Group LLC,
Case No. 3:11-cv-00043-RS
District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division.
Case Summary:

The class action alleges that Stonebridge authorized Trifecta to send unsolicited text messages that stated, “Thanks 4 visiting our website please call 877-711-5429 to claim your $100 walmart gift card voucher! reply stop 2 unsub.” This message had variations for different dollar amounts for the voucher and originated from a variety of toll-free telephone numbers. According to the lawsuit when consumers called the number in the text message they would be offered Stonebridge insurance products by Trifecta. This class action alleges that jointly Stonebridge and Trifecta violated the Federal telephone Consumer Protection Act because those receiving the messages had not agreed to receive them.
Stonebridge and Trifecta deny all the allegations but have agreed to settle the class action to avoid the cost and uncertainty of litigation. The settlement does not represent admission of wrongdoing.

Settlement Pool: Unlimited, all valid claims will receive $155
Settlement Website: Stonebridge Insurance Text Class Action Website
Claim Form Deadline: 8/23/2014
Claims Administrator: Lee Text Message Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 43264
Providence, RI 02940-3264