Svetol Green Coffee Bean Extract Settlement

Class Eligibility

Purchasers of products containing Svetol, a green coffee bean extract, between February 2, 2012 and May 17, 2019.

Estimated Amount

$30 per purchase

Proof of Purchase

Not required for claims of up to two purchases. Claims of three or more purchases require proof of purchase.

Case Name

Woodard v. Labrada
Case No. EDCV 16-00189 JGB (SPx),

U.S. District Court for the Central District of California

Case Summary

Asahi is accused of being misleading in advertising its beer as being brewed in Japan, when it was brewed in Canada.

Settlement Pool





Weight Loss Class Action Settlement,
c/o Classaura Class Action Administration,
1718 Peachtree St #1080,
Atlanta GA 30309


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