Trump University Live Events Class Action Settlement
Class Eligibility
You are a member of the if you purchased Trump University Live Events in the united States Since 2007 and have not received a full refund. Purchasers in the states of California, Florida, and New York who have not received full refunds may be Class Members in the Cohen (Nationwide) Action as well as the Low (California/Florida/New York) Action. In addition, there are senior citizen “subclasses” in California (over the age of 65) and Florida (over the age of 60) which are seeking the recovery of additional money or the imposition of fines to be paid to the states of California or Florida under laws intended to prevent financial abuse of elders.
Estimated Amount
50% refund
There may be additional monies if you are a senior citizen
Proof of Purchase
Case Name
Low, et al. vs.
Trump University, LLC., et al. – Cohen vs. Donald J. Trump
No. 3:10-cv-00940 and No. 3:13-cv-02519United States District Court For The Southern District of California
Case Summary
Plaintiffs allege that Trump University and Trump violated federal law across the country and state law (in California, Florida, and New York) by promising, but not delivering access to Trump’s real estate techniques taught by “hand-picked” professors at an elite “university,” when in fact Trump was not substantively involved in the Live Events curriculum or selecting the instructors and the New York State Education Department had warned Trump it was unlawful to call it a “university.” Defendants deny the claims and deny wrongdoing.
Settlement Pool
Settlement Website
Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York
ATTN: Trump Restitution Fund
30 East 33rd Street
New York, NY 10016