UCLA FACTA Class Action Settlement

Class Eligibility

You are a member of the class if you made a debit or credit transaction at the UCLA campus and obtained a receipt from campus stores, food commons operated by the ASUCLA or from the Ronald Reagan Medical Center Cafeteria or the Santa Monica Hospital Cafeteria between 02/10/12 and 10/10/16

Estimated Amount

Up to $50

There are two subclasses, the amount received will depend on your subclass

For the members of Subclass A, Defendant will provide $400,000 to the Settlement Administrator for the establishment of an interest-bearing Settlement Fund. Each qualified claimant who has submitted a timely Subclass A Claim Form with the required Subclass A Supporting Documentation is eligible to receive a one-time payment from the Settlement Fund of up to $50, depending on the total number of qualified claims submitted. In the alternative, qualified Subclass A claimants may elect to receive a transferable Settlement Certificate, which can be used at one of seven ASUCLA campus store locations (the “Campus Store Locations”) for a value of up to $20, depending upon the total number of qualified claims submitted, for a period of up to 365 days from the date of issuance.

For the members of Subclass B, Defendant has agreed to provide Settlement Certificates. Each qualified claimant who has submitted a timely Subclass B Claim Form with the required Subclass B Supporting Documentation is eligible to receive a transferable Settlement Certificate, which can be used at one of seven Campus Store Locations for a value of up to $20, depending upon the total number of qualified claims submitted, for a period of up to 365 days from the date of issuance. The maximum aggregate value of Settlement Certificates issued will be $450,000.

Proof of Purchase


Case Name

Cindy Fernandez et al. v. The Regents of the University of California
Case No: BC656256
Superior Court, State of California

Case Summary

This lawsuit is about allegations that the ASUCLA and the cafeterias at the Ronald Reagan Medical Center and the Santa Monica Hospital (collectively, “Defendant”, or the “University”) printed transaction receipts which contained more than the last five digits of its customers’ personal, individual credit or debit cards, in violation of federal law. The time frame involved is February 10, 2012 through October 10, 2016. The University has denied and continues to deny any liability, and there has been no finding that the University has violated any laws.

Settlement Pool





UCLA FACTA Settlement

c/o Dahl Administration

P.O. Box 3614

Minneapolis, MN 55403-0614



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